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This version was saved 13 years, 10 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Gail Holmes
on October 29, 2010 at 1:24:26 pm




Welcome to The Common Core.  This site was developed to share technology rich resources that promote engaging student centered learning tools. The goal is to provide resources that can be used to advance problem solving, collaboration and higher order thinking skills while focusing on the Common Core National Standards.  Providing students time to research, collaborate and use digital tools for learning can provide them with the motivation and resources to become global learners in the 21st Century. Use the sidebar to the right to navigate to the different pages.

  Welcome to The Common Core.  This site was developed to share technology rich resources that promote engaging student centered learning tools. The goal is to provide resources that can be used to advance problem solving, collaboration and higher order thinking skills while focusing on the Common Core National Standards.  Providing students time to research, collaborate and use digital tools for learning can provide them with the motivation and resources to become global learners in the 21st Century. Use the sidebar to the right to navigate to the different pages. 



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